This should be a fantastic evening for those of you who are interested in becoming a better angler and perhaps looking for a fishing adventure, as Douglas will provide his recommendations for your next trip. He will be showing variety of fishing footage on an eight foot screen that features some of the best fishing in the country for trout, steelhead and salmon. Douglas will be speaking on strategies and techniques for trophy fish, and will shine light on solutions to common mistakes.
After the films and seminar, George will be signing copies of his new book titled, "Fish Like A Guide.” He explained that Professional Fishing Guides produce consistent action for their clients, and it is not done by luck--there is a science and a discipline behind the results. His book goes far beyond how to catch a fish by revealing the formula that leads anglers to success through planning, preparation and advanced thought process that will consistently place an angler in high percentage fishing situations.
This free event is sure to improve your knowledge base and get you ready for this fall season. More information is on his website at