Hi Gang,
The river was at 4.8 at the beginning of the week and at the end of the week we had 4.5 with 23,200CF of flow and 53 degrees.
1. Trip #1 – Stocking Trip – This was a Monday evening and we fished from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM and we caught 50+ Sunfish, 1 Crappie and 2 Channel Cats. We were catching fish to stock a portable pond for a kids fishing event at a Church. We had 4.8 – 30,800CF – Stained – Steady and 48 degrees. We had a BP of 29.55 and rising and we had 25 mph winds.
2. Trip #2 – Guide Combo Scouting Trip – This was on Wednesday evening and we fished from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM and we caught 3 Bass, 1 Walleye and 2 Flatheads. The largest bass was 17.75”, the Walleye was 14.5” and the Flathead was 24”. We caught them on soft plastics and cut bait. We had 4.7 – 28,700CF – Clear – Steady and 55 degrees. It was extremely windy with a BP of 29.40 and falling.
3. Trip #3 – 4 Guide Trip – This was on Friday and we had two boats for a full day trip. We boated 23 Bass and 1 Tiger Trout. The largest bass was 19.25” and the trout was 18”. We caught them on soft plastics, Stickbaits and Spinnerbaits. We had 4.5 – 25,200CF – Clear – Steady and 54 degrees. It was sunny and windy with a BP of 29.90 and falling.
4. Trip #5 – Guide Trip – This was a half day PM Trip on Friday and we boated 8 Bass and the largest Bass was 19.13” and was 3.7#. We caught one on a tube and the balance on Stickbaits. We had 4.5 – 25,200CF – Clear – Steady and 54 degrees. It was sunny and windy with a BP of 29.90 and falling.
5. Trip #6 – No Trip
6. Trip #7 – No Trip
7. The sharp drop in water temperature slowed down the Bass activity this week. However, the quality stayed good and we caught two Angler Award Smallmouth on Friday.

Phil with a 19.25 inch 4# Angler Award Smallmouth caught on a modified grub.

Ed with a 19.125 inch Angler Award Smallmouth caught on a Lucky Craft.
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