Hi Gang,
The river was at 7.4 at the beginning of the week and at the end of the week we had 6.0 with 55,500CF of flow and 38 degrees.
1. Trip #1 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Tuesday and we fished from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM and we boated 12 Sunfish and 1 Yellow Perch. The largest sunfish was 8.5” and the Yellow Perch was 6”. We caught them on jig/worm combos and jig/meal worm combos. This was on a lake and we had windy and sunny conditions with a BP of 30.0 and falling.
2. Trip #2 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Wednesday and we fished from 2:15 PM to 5:15 PM and we boated 10 bass. The largest was 20.25” and we also had and 18” and a 19” Smallie. We caught them on soft plastics and we caught one on a hair jig. We had 6.8 – 72,800CF – Falling – Clear and 37 - 41 degrees. We had a BP of 29.80 and Steady with sunny skies and 10 mph winds.
3. Trip #3 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Friday and we fished from 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM and we boated 20 Sunfish and 10 Yellow Perch. The largest sunfish was 8” and the largest Perch was 8”. We caught them all on jig/bait combos. This was on a lake and we had sunny mild conditions with a BP of 30.35 and steady.
4. Trip #4 – No Trip
5. Trip #5 – No Trip
6. We start the Eastern Sport and Outdoors Show today and it runs thru February 12th. We will be in the Fishing Hall at Booth #456 and we would love to see you if you attend the show. I will be conducting seminars everyday but Sunday’s. In the past we have not taken deposits but due to the river being closed to bass fishing this year for 6 weeks, we have decided to take deposits due to the shorten season. You can secure a date with us with a $50 deposit and this will also get you a free Koinonia T-Shirt.
7. Dave will be conducting seminars on White Perch Fishing at the Friends of Codorus State Park on February 18th. We hope to see you there.

This picture is Ben holding a 20.25” Smallie we caught this past Wednesday. The fish fell for the YUM Fork Tailed Dinger which unfortunately is no longer made. We are sure going to miss that bait.
Please check out our Web Site at WWW.koinoniafishingguides.com