Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kayak Kevin's New Chesapeake Bay DVD Trailer
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Stopped by the DockDogs Event Today
The Outdoor Channel is in PA this week following the DockDogs event at the Bloomsburg Fair. I stopped by with the family earlier to check out the action.
Check it out on the Outdoor Channel:
Monday, September 28, 2009
KFS Seminar on Fishing the Lower Chesapeake Bay
The seminar will be hosted by Kayak Fishing Stuff in Mine Hill, New Jersey:
More info is forthcoming...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The river was at 3.4 with 8,000CF of flow and 73.3 degrees at the beginning of the week and at the end of the week we had 3.3 with 6,700CF of flow and 66.3 degrees. The BP was 30.65 and Falling.
Trip #1 – Guide Trip – This was a full day trip on Monday and we boated 13 bass and 1 fallfish. The largest bass was 17.5” and we caught them on soft plastics like craw pappi, dingers and salty spider jigs. We had 3.4 – Steady – Clear – 8,000CF and 72 degrees. It was sunny and we had a BP of 30.65 & steady.
Trip #2 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Tuesday PM and we went for bass but quickly switched to catfish as the bass were not cooperating. We fished from 3:00 to 7:00 Pm and we only boated one Flathead. We caught it on live bait. We had 3.4 - Clear – 7,000CF and 71 degrees. It was pleasant and 70 degree air temperature.
Trip #3 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Thursday evening and we fished from
6:15 t0 7:15PM and we boated 3 bass and 1 fallfish. The largest bass was 14.5” and we caught it on a Craw Pappi. We caught all our fish on Craw Pappi’s and Crankbaits.
We had 3.3 – 6,700 CF – Clear – 75.8 degrees. It was cloudy and we had a BP of 30.40 and rising.
Trip #3 – Guide Trip – This was on Thursday evening and we fished from 5:30 PM to
9:30 PM and we boated 15 Flatheads. We had 4 over 20# and the largest was 26.6#.
We caught them on live bait and dead bait with scent. We had 3.3 – 6,700CF – Clear –
73.5 degrees. It was cloudy and mild with a BP of 30.40 and rising.
Trip #4 – Guide Scouting Trip – This was on Friday evening and we fished from 6:30
to 7:30 and we boated 7 Bass and the largest was 18.5” and 3.11#. We caught all our
fish on Craw Pappi’s and Crankbaits. We had 3.3 – 6,600CF – Clear – Steady – 73.8
degrees. It was cloudy and pleasant and we had a BP of 30.55 and rising.
Trip #5 – Guide Trip – This was on Saturday and we fished from 8:30 to 4:00 PM and
we boated 18 bass and 2 Fallfish. Our longest bass was 18” and weighed 3# but our
heaviest fish was 16.5” long and weighed 3.6#. We caught them all on Crankbaits,
Rattle Traps and YUM Craw Pappi’s. We had 3.3 – 6,700CF – Clear – 66.7
degrees. It was extremely windy and rainy and we had a BP of 30.65 and falling.
Trip #6 – Guide Trip – This was on Saturday evening and we fished from 6:30 to 10:30 and we boated 5 Flatheads and 2 Channel Cats. We caught them all on live bait.
The largest Flathead was 12.5# and the largest Channel Cat was 7#. We had the same conditions as mentioned above. The wind was not as bad as during the day but the rain was heavier.
8. The bass fishing has started to pick up and should continue to get better until we switch to Walleye.
We are trying to keep our web site current with pictures from recent Guide Trips so if you haven’t checked out our Web Site lately, please do.
Kermit Henning had a little segment on Channel 27 News this weekend and Koinonia
was featured on this segment. You can check it out at the Channel 27 web site if you missed it.
A Great TKAA Charity Kayak Fishing Tournament!
Rose and I just returned home from the TKAA kayak fishing tournament in Virginia. We both had a great time, and a huge word of gratitude goes out to all the organizers at the Tidewater Kayak Anglers Association, Project Healing Waters, and Hero's on the Water. This was my daughter's first kayak fishing tournament, although she has grown up around kayaks and fishing. She is already talking about returning next year, and entering additional events. As soon as info and official results are released from the organization I will post it up. I don't want to put out any errors, and don't really trust my memory after a long day.
As for Rose, there were only four stripers caught by the 215 entrants, and she had one of them. Also, she landed five different species of fish, and was awarded a multi-species award. She caught numerous croakers, numerous sea bass, a black drum, a pigfish, and one striper. The croaker was a massive 16 inches!
Again, there were 215 competitors as of the captain's meeting Friday. The wind was howling all day Saturday, and the conditions were less than perfect, but there were a lot of people on the water supporting these great causes and promoting the growing sport of kayak fishing. Great job TKAA!!!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
TKAA Bound!!!
If you are in the region Saturday, join in the action!
Here's the link for more info on the tournament:
Monday, September 21, 2009
Old Bloomsburg Shad Fishing Article - Circa 1800's
The link is hosted by the Columbia County Historical and Genealogical Society:
AMD Tours Educate Public About Abandoned Mine Drainage
Monday, September 21, 2009
By Jane Elling Staff Writer
ASHVLLE - In lieu of the annual West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Symposium, Trout Unlimited and partners decided to host a series of six abandoned mine drainage workshops and tours throughout the watershed. Saturday's Clearfield Creek tour was the fifth of the series and was sponsored by Trout Unlimited, West Branch Restoration Coalition, Clearfield County Conservation District and the Clearfield Creek Watershed Association.
The workshop, attended by more than 30 people, was held in St. Thomas Catholic Church in Ashville beginning at 9 a.m., and, following the morning education session and lunch, a bus tour was taken to the Klondike Passive Treatment System, the Ferris Wheel Revegetation Project and Dean Clay Mine/Brubaker Run, all local areas impacted by mining.
Funding for the workshops is provided by R.K. Mellon Foundation, state Department of Environmental Protection and Water Resources Education Network.
Amy Wolfe, director of Abandoned Mine Programs, and Becky Dunlap, both from Trout Unlimited, said TU has 110 full-time employees nationwide. There were no laws before 1977 concerning restoration of streams and land. Some 1,205 miles of streams in the West Branch Susquehanna River watershed are impaired by AMD and the cleanup is costly but necessary. There is 500 miles of AMD in Clearfield County alone and already $50 million has been spent on West Branch AMD cleanup. But, it was stated, the historical coal mining was critical to the success of the nation.
Kelly Williams, watershed specialist, Clearfield County Conservation District, explained what AMD is. It is caused by the flow of water through abandoned coal mine environments such as surface mines, deep mines or coal refuse piles. When surface water or ground water comes into contact with an iron-sulfide mineral such as pyrite that is found in the unreclaimed waste rock of leftover coal strata, a chemical reaction occurs in the presence of oxygen to create sulfuric acid and iron hydroxide. Photographs of the many sites were shown and seen on the tour.The history of mining in Pennsylvania was given by John E. Foreman., P.E., who said the coal production during the two world wars was extremely important as a major supplier of fuels for the nation at war. During World War I, the state produced more than 270 million tons per year and employed more than 330,000 miners. Throughout the early years of World War II, it was considered next to treason to have wasted gasoline, fuel oil or other materials and equipment that were rationed for an all-out war effort. Because of this, no backfilling or any other reclamation work was even considered.
John Gwin Foreman P.G., a consultant for CCWA, prepared and spoke on a historic summary of coal production in Pennsylvania for CCWA and Trout Unlimited. He also spoke at various sites on the tour as did Dr. Art Rose, CCWA Technical Committee chairman.
Rachael Kester, TU, spoke on the economic benefits of abandoned mine drainage remediation.
Some of the facts about Clearfield Creek Watershed are that it contains 107 tributaries that drain about 400 square miles in Clearfield and Cambria counties before flowing into the West Branch of the Susquehanna.
Half are affected by abandoned mine drainage. AMD in Clearfield Creek makes it difficult or impossible for fish and other aquatic life to survive and this limits fishing opportunities and reduces the recreational value of the stream. According to the state Fish and Boat Commission, $4.7 million dollars in sport fishing revenue alone is lost in the watershed due to abandoned mine pollution each year.
After lunch the group gathered on a bus driven by Frank Harchak, Moshannon Valley School District, to travel to the sites where they saw the need for remediation and at other locations where remediation is under way.
At the Ferris Wheel Revegetation Project site along Black Snake Road in Cambria County, rye cover crop has been planted and grass is growing. There have been 3,000-plus trees planted there that were provided by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and 15 American Chestnut trees, a species not affected by the chestnut blight. They were provided by the American Chestnut Society and funded by a Dominion Peoples Gas grant.
Check Out the Koinonia Guide Service
To book your trip contact:
Rod Bates / Rod Bates: 717-805-7082
Koinonia Guide Service Office: 7395 Wertzville RoadCarlisle, PA 17015
Call for Fishing Articles
Second Annual Pittston Riverfest
River of history, legend and lore
RALPH NARDONE Times Leader Correspondent
From the
A perfect late summer day and a slow moving river served as the backdrop for the second annual Pittston Riverfest 2009 held on Saturday at the city’s Riverfront Park. The event, sponsored by the fledgling Greater Pittston Cultural Coalition Inc., offered various displays and presentations to provide “free educational fun for the whole family.”
Families ate lunch on the grass, took a hayride along the Susquehanna River from the park to the site of the Knox Mine Disaster in Jenkins Township, and took an “environmental” hike down the park trail to learn about river “flora and fauna,” among other activities.
Organizer John Dziak said the event is a way to foster interest in Pittston’s multi-faceted history. Presenting it the right way encourages “involvement,” he said, adding interest in Pittston history is showing signs of growth.
Dziak is working with Wilkes University to develop an educational program titled “Our History Initiative” that will collect, document, preserve and present history for local educators to use with area youth.
The Riverfest included more than 20 educational displays, including historical photos and descriptions of important historical events like the Battle of Wyoming, Dziak said. Riverfest-goers could watch old-style skills demonstrated like soap making, quilting, chair caning, flint knapping, paper marbling and rug making.
Andy Fedor, northeast regional education specialist for the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, talked about proper angling techniques. He said the Susquehanna River provides recreational activities like fishing and kayaking which adds up to economic value to the community.
Dennis McKibben and John Dewald, who were dressed in full period-specific Native American regalia, answered questions from onlookers about the Eastern Woodland Native People who dominated the Pittston area in the 1700s. Dewald said they were so “powerful” they were courted by both France and Great Britain for their allegiance during colonial times. They highlighted how the native people were not “savages” but, in fact, peaceful, religious and environmentally conscious.
Joe Savokinas, president of the Cultural Coalition, thanked city officials for helping get the Riverfest going. The first event in 2008 went from an idea to reality in just six weeks, he said.
The Riverfront Park was not really being used to its fullest potential, Savokinas said. It provides a public venue to promote city culture and bring history to the people, he said.
“It’s very interesting to know how people used to live,” said Dominique DelPriore, 13, an eighth-grade student from Pittston Area School District.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Stopped by Cabela's in Hamburg...
Yesterday on the way to Lancaster with the family, we stopped by Cabela's in Hamburg. The store was having its Waterfowl Classic, and the typical crowds were in attendance. The event continues today.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tobyhanna Fishing Derby for Children, September 26th
Fishing derby: Tobyhanna Army Depot's Barney's Lake, fishing derby for children 15 and younger, Sept. 26; 8-11 a.m., registration, 7, trophy presentation, food, raffles, games and prizes; free; Jackie Vass,, or 615-7585.
From the
425,485 Video Views!!!

Check out the kayak fishing video series on Youtube...
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Windy Morning on Lake Chillisquaque
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hold'n Steady!
The water level is holding steady, and the rain isn't supposed to move into the area until Monday... Enjoy your weekend! for Bloomsburg:
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Centre Sportsman TV Show

The Centre Sportsman television program is produced in Centre County, Pennsylvania and highlights various fishing and hunting locations in central Pennsylvania and popular vacation spots. The goal of the Centre Sportsman is two fold: entertainment and education. We listened to our viewers and they want the where, how, and why. It’s not just about catching fish or harvesting game, but how to catch fish and harvest game. The Centre Sportsman will strive to provide sportsmen with successful hunting and fishing tactics and techniques…a “road map to success.”
Scott Laukhuff, host of the Centre Sportsman, resides in central Pennsylvania and brings to the show a lifetime of fishing and hunting experience. For more information about our host, please check out his bio above. The Centre Sportsman also collaborates with guides and avid outdoorsman who have expertise in a given species of fish or other game. We hope you enjoy the Centre Sportsman as much as we enjoy bringing the show to your home, and hope we can provide you with a road map to success for your outdoor adventures.
David Welch
Executive Producer
TKAA Charity Kayak Fishing Tournament, September 26th

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Muckraker: Riverkeeper's Crusade to Save Chesapeake Bay from Sediment
The basins behind the dams north of Conowingo have long-since filled with
muck. Whatever sediment comes down the river now simply washes through those dams. Much of it gets stopped at Conowingo. It drifts into the pool of slackwater and settles to the bottom.
Eventually, say scientists, the Conowingo basin will fill. At that point, the sediment, and the pollutants nitrogen and phosphorus, some of which the dam now traps, will wash into the bay -- perhaps killing a unique natural resource that's already badly stressed by sediment and pollutants.By SCOTT FISHER Daily Record/Sunday News
Updated: 09/13/2009 01:20:44 PM EDT
Monday, September 14, 2009
September and the Small-Mouths
By Ken Maurer For The Daily Item
The Susquehanna is finally looking more like our usual summer river, even though it is September.
A lot of anglers, myself included, have struggled at times to catch smallmouth. There were times when it seemed as if there were no fish. Now that the river has stabilized, you only need to drift through a quiet stretch at dusk to get an idea of how many fish are out there.
I have spent several evenings on the lower West Branch and it is amazing how many fish are actually there. You can see them in the evening when they rise to sip insects from the surface. There are quite a few fish out there. The problem with catching a ton of them is that they have a lot of food. There are crayfish everywhere and a good assortment of minnows. Throw on top of that a wide variety of insect life in various stages, and you have quite a buffet of food for the fish.
Catching them consistently is tough on many days. One of the things I like to do to improve my odds is to be quiet. The less clanking around and rocking the boat, the better. Making long casts helps, too. Get that lure away from the boat.
Everybody is always looking for that “magic bullet” lure that will catch fish on every cast. I’m not sure if it exists. Right now, a small green pumpkin tube or twister fished on a light jig head will often catch a fish you see rise.
They can be picky. One trick is to fish downstream. This keeps the line off the water, away from the upstream-facing fish. Senkos are another good bet, as are any of the smaller topwater lures. At times, the less movement you give to a topwater lure, the better. Dead-drifting a small rebel or rapala minnow lure works. A slight twitch now and then is all the action you need to give it. As the sun goes down, the fish get a little less spook-easy and a little more aggressive.
The off-colored water of the North Branch and the east side of the main river is different. The fish there seem a little more aggressive. Crankbaits in crayfish patterns and more aggressively worked topwater lures get a better reception. Tubes again are a mainstay there, with the darker greens and browns working best.
We are coming into one of the best times of the year to go fishing. There will be less fishing pressure over the next few weeks as many sportsmen turn to hunting. Smallmouth fishing, especially for the larger specimens, gets better and better as we get into the fall season. Depending on the weather, late October and November can often produce some of the best action of the year for trophy smallmouth.
Walleye time is coming, too. Late September, October and November are usually the best months of the year for Susquehanna walleye. The walleye fishing can be phenomenal at times. The guys who put their time in are there when the bite gets hot.
The countdown to archery season has begun. Some areas are still pretty much devoid of deer, but many areas have stabilized at certain numbers, and some areas have come back, though not quite to yesteryear numbers. It takes some legwork in many areas to find deer. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to get permission to hunt and to find new areas. Food sources change from year to year, and the deer do, too.
-- Ken Maurer, Herndon, is a licensed fishing guide and a regular contributor to the Outdoors section. Contact at, September 12, 2009:
Babb Creek Removal from Endangered Streams List
MORRIS - Twenty years after a local fisherman and environmentalist "got mad" that his favorite fishing stream had become polluted with acid mine drainage, Babb Creek has been officially removed by the Department of Environmental Protection from classification as an "endangered stream."
The accomplishment was celebrated Saturday with a "ribbon cutting" at the creek off Landrus Road, sponsored by Trout Unlimited, Back Creek Watershed Association, the Clearfield County Conservation District and the West Branch Susquehanna Restoration Coalition.
"DEP now says it meets state water quality standards" said Bill Meacom, of the Babb Creek Watershed Association. It is a shame that the fisherman, Bob McCullough Jr., of South Williamsport, "could not be with us," Meacom said. McCullough died in 2007 at the age of 84.
"Bob was amazing at getting people together," he added.
Two other pioneers of the effort to clean up the watershed, former District Forester Jack Sherwood and Phil Stillerman, founder of the Pine Creek Headwaters Protection Group, also passed away before seeing their dream come to fruition.
In 1989, McCullough was a founding member of the Pennsylvania Environmental Defense Fund, which preceeded the Babb Creek organization, said DEP representative Mike Smith.
Also present at the ribbon cutting were representatives of Graymont, Inc., State College, which provided the limestone and lime used in the treatment systems that ultimately brought the stream back to life, and were presented with awards for their efforts in the partnership.
"Sixteen projects, about $10 million spent from Growing Greener funds, the coal mining industry and various organizations and agencies later we have brought about the restoration of a trout stream," Smith said. "It just goes to show that if people get together, things can get done," he added.
About 50 members of the public were brought in on a school bus to witness the event, which included an educational portion at Mansfield University Saturday morning, followed by a picnic lunch at Nessmuk Lake near Wellsboro, and culminating with the event at the creek.; September 13, 2009:
Friday, September 11, 2009
River is up slightly for the Weekend
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Kayak Fishing Stuff - PKFA Appreciation!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Water Still Dropping...
Mifflinville Smallies on Labor Day